2008년 5월 19일 월요일

9주차 과제

Last time, I have not assignment. Very sorry.

At last time, I learned computer game.
•computer games: how do they work?
–how do they work “behind the screen”? i.e., how do they work from the perspective of an engineer?
•a simple example of pong
–how do they work “in front of the screen”? i.e., how do they work for the audience or participant?
•Sherry Turkle on computer games and processes of identification
•Henry Jenkins on computer games, gender and space

A definition of media studies

•media studies is the theory and practice of exploring how people and things are connected, reflected, extended, reconfigured, and separated by technologies and techniques
–media as mirrors
–media as machinations
–media as prostheses
•digital media studies is a kind of media studies that pays especial attention to the techniques and technologies of computers and computer networks .

At this lecture, I learned about cyborg and biopolitics.

•biopolitics: politics carried out through the means, the techniques and technologies of health and illness, statistics, the census, epidemiology and demography, the science of race, eugenics, population, abortion, genomics, and new reproductive technologies.
[see paul rabinow and nikolas rose, the essential foucault (2003)]
•biopolitics was a term coined by the philosopher Michel Foucault
•the categories of biopolitics might be called “natural” but are negotiated through science, culture and technology .

Definition of cyborg

“A cyborg is a cybernetic organism, a hybrid machine and organism, a creature of social reality as well as a creature of fiction. ... By the late twentieth century, our time, a mythic time, we are all chimeras, theorized and fabricated hybrids of machine and organism; in short, we are cyborgs.”

What’s a MUD

•MUD stands for multi-user domain
•MOO stands for MUD, object-oriented (referring to a particular way in which the MUD is programmed using an object-oriented language).

This week's lecture was carelessful.
Next time it hard to concentrate on classroom time listening.

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